Friday, March 11, 2016

9 ስደተኞችን ደብዳቤ ጽፎ ከአሜሪካ ወሰዳቸው

ህወሃት – 9 ስደተኞችን ደብዳቤ ጽፎ ከአሜሪካ ወሰዳቸው

March 11,2016
“ከህወሃት በላይ በራሳችን አዝኛለሁ” ኦባንግ ሜቶ
ከተለያዩ አገራት አሜሪካ ገብተው የስደት ማመልከቻ ያስገቡ 9 ኢትዮጵያውያንን ህወሃት ተረከቦ ወደ አገር ቤት እንደወሰዳቸው ታወቀ። አንዱ ራሱን ለማጥፋት ሞከሮ ነበር። ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ቢሄድም የጤናው ሁኔታ አልታወቀም። ድርጊቱን አስመልክቶ አቶ ኦባንግ ሜቶ “ከህወሃት ተግባር በላይ በራሳችን አዝኛለሁ” ሲሉ ወጣቶቹን ለማዳን ያደረጉት ጥረት መረጃው ዘግይቶ ስለደረሳቸው አለመሳካቱን አመለከቱ።
“ለቤተሰቦቼ የት እንዳለሁ እንኳን ነግሬያቸው አላውቅም” ሲል የተናገረውን ወጣት ጨምሮ ህወሃት የተረከባቸው ኢትዮጵያዊያን ወግኖች አሜሪካ ለመድረስ እስከ 14 ወራት ፈጅቶባቸዋል። በብራዚል፣ በኮሎምቢያ ጫካ አቋርጠው፣ በፓናማ ወንዝ ተሻግረው፣ በሜክሲኮ አድርገው በአጠቃላይ እስከ 16 የሚደርሱ አገራትን አልፈው በተለያዩ መንገዶቸ አሜሪካ ደርሰው ጥገኝነት የጠየቁት ወገኖች ህጉ ከሚፈቅደው ውጪ ከስድስት ወር በላይ በፍሎሪዳ ጠቅላይ ቅዛት ማያሚ እስር ቤት መቆየታቸውን ለአቶ ኦባንግ በአስራ አንደኛው ሰዓት የላኩት “የድረሱልን” ደብዳቤ ያስረዳል። መረጃቸው እንደሚያመለክተው ከተለያየ የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል የመጡት ወገኖች በፍሎሪዳ እስርቤት ከአንድ ወር እስከ አመት ተኩል ድረስ በእስር ቆይተዋል፡፡
አቶ ግርማ ብሩ የሚመሩት የህወሃት የአሜሪካ ቢሮ ስደተኞቹ ቢመለሱ ምንም አይሆኑም፣ ምንም አይደርስባቸውም፣ ሰላማዊ ኑሮ መኖር ይችላሉ፣ ወዘተ በማለት በጻፈው ደብዳቤና አዘጋጅቶ በሰጠው የመጓጓዣ ሰነድ አማካይነት ወጣቶቹ ተላልፈው ሊሰጡት ችሏል።
ህወሃት በኤርትራዊነት መታወቂያ የራሱን ወገኖች ለስደት በምዕራባውያን አገራት እየላከ ኢትዮጵያውያንን ሲያሰልል፤ በባህርና በበረሃ ተንገላተው አሜሪካ የገቡትን ምስኪን ዜጎች ላይ የወሰደው ርምጃ “ዲያስፖራውን የመበቀያ አንዱ አካል ነው” ተብሏል።
“ኑሮዬ ሳይስተካከል ለቤተሰቦቼ የት እንዳለሁ እንኳን አላሳውቅሁም። እናትና አባቴ ልሙት፣ ልኑር አያውቁም፤ ከተለየኋቸው ጊዜ ጀምሮ ስልክ ሳልደውል አራት አመት ከ11 ወራት አልፈውኛል” ሲል ለአቶ ኦባንግ የድረሱልኝ ጥሪ ካሰሙት ወጣቶች አንደኛው ተናግሯል፡፡ ዘጠኙ በአንድነት ተላልፈው ከመሰጠታቸው ጥቂት ቀናት አስቀድሞ ነበር አቶ ኦባንግ ደብዳቤያቸው የደረሳቸውና ጉዳዩን የሰሙት።
“እንደሰማሁ” አሉ አቶ ኦባንግ “ወዲያውኑ ስደተኞቹን የሚወክል ጠበቃ ያዝኩ። የወጣቶቹ ከስድስት ወር በላይ መታሰር ከህግ አንጻር አግባብ ባለመሆኑና ስደተኞቹ ሊመለሱ እንደማይገባ ለማውቃቸው እንደራሴዎችና ሴናተሮች በማስረዳት የእስር ውሳኔ ላስተላለፉት ዳኛ ደብዳቤ ሊላክ የሰዓታት ዕድሜ ሲቀር መርዶውን ሰማሁ” ብለዋል፡፡
ለወትሮው ረጋ ብለው በመናገር የሚታወቁት ኦባንግ “ለአንድ ቀን ተቀደምን” ሲሉ በቁጣ ነበር ስሜታቸውን የገለጹት። የጎልጉል የአሜሪካ ዘጋቢ ያነጋገራቸው አቶ ኦባንግ ቁጣቸውን ሊደብቁ በማይችሉበት ሁኔታ “ከህወሃት በላይ በራሳችን አዘንኩ” ብለዋል። “ለምን?” በሚል ለቀረበላቸው ጥያቄ ሲመልሱም “በተመሳሳይ መንገድ ተሰድደው፣ ታስረው፣ ዛሬ በመልካም ሁኔታ ላይ ያሉ ወገኖች የ5 ሺህ ዶላር ዋስ ሆነው ልጆቹን ማስፈታት ይችሉ ነበር ። ዳሩ ምን ያደርጋል ሁላችንም መነሻችንን እንረሳለን” ሲሉ ጉዳዩን አስቀድመው የሚያውቁ ወገኖች ላሳዩት ቸልተኛነት ወቀሳ ሰንዝረዋል።
“አቶ ግርማስ ቢሆኑ” አሉ አቶ ኦባንግ “ይህን ደብዳቤ እንዴት ይጽፋሉ? ወይም ሲጻፍ እንዴት ዝም ይላሉ? የጉዞ ሰነዱ ተሰርቶ እንዲላክስ ለምን ይፈቅዳሉ? ምንም ቢሆን እርሳቸው ሳያውቁ የሆነ ነገር የለም፤ ኅሊና ካላቸው በጣም ሊያፍሩበት ይገባቸዋል፤ እርሳቸውም ሆኑ አብረዋቸው የሚሰሩት ራሳቸውን በእነዚህ ልጆች ጫማ አስገብተው ማየት ይገባቸው ነበር፤ እነርሱ አገልግሎታቸውን ሲጨርሱ እዚሁ ከነቤተሰቦቻቸው ጥገኝነት ጠይቀው ኑሯቸውን ይቀጥላሉ፤ በአየር፣ በምድር፣ በወንዝ በስንት ስቃይና መከራ እዚህ የደረሱትን ልጆች ግን ደህና አገር እንዳለው የጉዞ ሰነድ ልከው ባዶ እጃቸውን ወደመጡበት እንዲመለሱ ያደርጋሉ፤ ይህ ወራዳና አጸያፊ ተግባር ነው፤ አገሪቱን ወይ በትክክል አያስተዳድሩ ወይ አገሩን ለቅቀው የሚወጡትን የፈለጉበት እንዳይኖሩ በሩ ይዘጋሉ፤ ኅሊና አለኝ ለሚል ሰው ይህ እጅግ አሳፋሪ ነው” ሲሉ ይወቅሷቸዋል።
ከስደተኞቹ መካከል አንዱ ወጣት በአገር ውስጥ የሚካሄደው ሰቆቃ ያስመረረው ከመሆኑ የተነሳ ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ከሚመለስ በአሜሪካ እስርቤት ለመሞት እንደሚመኝ መናገሩን አቶ ኦባንግ ጠቁመዋል፡፡ “በረሃና ወንዝ ስናቋርጥ በርካታ ወንድምና እህቶቻችንን አጥተናል፤ ማንም ስለ እነርሱ ግድ ያለው የለም፤ ታዲያ ለምን ለኛ ግድ ያላቸው ለመምሰል ይሞክራሉ” በማለት እንዳወራላቸው አቶ ኦባንግ ጠቅሰዋል፡፡
አገር ቤት ስራ አለመኖሩን፣ ችጋር፣ ረሃብና ድርቅ ዜጎችን እየጠበሰ መሆኑንን፣ እስርና ግድያ፣ አፈና ባለበት ሁኔታ እነዚህን ምስኪኖች ሰብስቦ መውሰድ ህወሃት ዲያስፖራውን ከመበቀል ያለፈ ትርጉም እንደሌለው በመግለጽ ዜጎች ከወዲሁ ጥንቃቄ ሊያደርጉ እንደሚገባ አመልክተዋል።
የአሜሪካ እንደራሴዎች ምክርቤት አባላት ደብዳቤ ለመጻፍ ቃል ገብተው፣ ጠበቃ ተገኝቶ ወጣቶቹን ለማስፈታት የሚያስችል ርምጃ ከመጀመሩ አንድ ቀን በፊት በተፈጸመው ድርጊት ክፉኛ ማዘናቸውን የጠቆሙት ኦባንግ ሜቶ አሁንም እስር ላይ ያሉትን ለማስፈታት ጥረታቸውን እንደሚገፉበት ተናግረዋል። ከእንግዲህ ጉዳዩ የህወሃት ወይም በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ያስቀመጠው ጽ/ቤቱ አይደለም፤ ጉዳዩ የራሳችን ነው የሚሉት “ጥቁሩ ሰው” ኦባንግ “ህወሃት የጉዞ ሰነድ እያዘጋጀ የራሱ ጽ/ቤት ባደረገው ኤምባሲው አማካኝነት እየሰጠ ስደተኞች ላይ የሚፈጽመው ይህ ተግባር የሚቆምበት ሁኔታ ከእንደራሴዎች ጋር በመነጋገር ተጽዕኖ የማድረግ ሥራ” ካሁኑ መጀመሩን ሳይጠቁሙ አላለፉም፡፡
ኦባንግ ስደተኛ ወገኖች ባሉበት ሁሉ ፈጥነው በመድረስና አለኝታ በመሆን የሚታወቁ ኢትዮጵያዊ መሆናቸውን ዜጎች የአደባባይ ምስክርነት በ“ቃላቸው” ብቻ የሚሰጧቸው ሰው መሆናቸው የሚዘነጋ አይደለም።

Monday, March 7, 2016

Ethiopia: Increasing human rights violations in the Omo Valley

Ethiopia: Increasing human rights violations in the Omo Valley

Increasing human rights violations and deaths from careless state-owned sugar plantation in the Omo Valley!

Ethiopians are being threatened with human rights violations

(SMNE News Alert) — We in the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE) sounds an urgent emergency alert regarding the present endangerment of the people of the Omo Valley.

These fellow-Ethiopians are being threatened with human rights violations and atrocities by the TPLF/EPRDF’s troops in the region as the regime moves ahead to remove the people from their land in another crony development scheme for a state-owned sugar plantation on245,000 hectares of land with an additional 100,000 or more hectares of some of the most fertile land committed for other agricultural projects. Those who resist, face state-sponsored human rights crimes.Ethiopians are being threatened with human rights violations

In all of Ethiopia, the 500,000 people of the Omo Valley may be among the most neglected of Ethiopians by the current TPLF/EPRDF regime.

These dark-skinned and marginalized tribes—the Bodi, the Mursi, the Kwego, the Suri, the Hamer, the Karo as well as others—have only been valued in Ethiopia for the tourism business they attracted due to their unique and primitive customs that have remained unchanged for centuries. Now, the TPLF/EPRDF has found a better use for their land and it does not include them.

The previous and present government of Ethiopia never did value them and even now, they do not see them as their own people. In the entire Diaspora of about a million Ethiopians, some experts suggest that only one person from Omo Valley is among them. This is an example of how marginalized these people are.Ethiopians are being threatened with human rights violations

Not only have they been intentionally denied access to entering the 21st century—it would negatively impact tourism—they have also been denied access to clean water, education, health care and other opportunities to a much greater degree than most other marginalized groups.

Now, as their land is being taken away from them, they are also being denied their most prized asset, their indigenous land and water.

Just wait, the TPLF/EPRDF regime will suddenly pretend to be forcing the people from their land and into resettlement camps—where they have no means for independent sustenance—in order to “help” bring these people into the 21st century. Do not believe it! It is just an excuse to cover up for illegally stealing their ancestral land and they are ill-prepared to defend themselves!

The people of the Omo Valley are living in a nation set up under the flawed government policy of ethnic federalism. Each ethnic group is supposed to look after people of their own ethnicity, without the expectation that others will care about the rights, interests and well being of those outside their own groups. Because of this, the people of the Omo Valley are more deprived of their rights than many others. Who speaks for them?

Their land is being taken over by their own government without any consultation. The authorities did not care about them and now the people of the Omo Valley have taken matters into their own hands.

Some limited fighting has broken out and as the TPLF/EPRDF sends troops to silence them through intimidation, human rights crimes and secretive extra-judicial killings, they seem to think they can eliminate these people without the world knowing.

The people of the Omo Valley are depending on the world not caring about them, but the SMNE has already received information from the people and we want to warn the ethnic apartheid regime in Ethiopia to stop the human rights abuses against these people and if they do not, they will be found accountable.

We also call on other peace and justice loving Ethiopians to stand up with the people of the Omo Valley. They are us. The people of the Omo Valley may be deprived and they may have been used as commodities for tourism in the past, but to God and to us, they are precious, just like everyone else.

The establishment of the SMNE was to educate Ethiopians about the value of those outside our villages, tribes and regions. One of the SMNE goal was to eradicate this primitive thinking where some devalue the humanity of others and turn away in apathy to their pain and suffering.

This SMNE principle of putting “humanity before ethnicity” and caring about the freedom, justice and well being of others—neighbors near and far—is the basis for healthy societies and cooperative global partnerships.

We in the SMNE will continue investigate and gather evidence to be used for future prosecution so perpetrators of these crimes will face justice and not get away with these crimes.

The people of Ethiopia will hold them accountable under the rule of law that is not simply rhetoric.

If any think that they can commit crimes without being found out, you are wrong as we already have our sources from this remote region of the country. We will continue to monitor what is going on there.

As we stand up for the people of the Omo Valley, let it bring us together as one people of Ethiopia who stand up for the freedom, rights and wellbeing of all of us.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ethiopia: ARDUF Condemns the State Instigated Inter-ethnic Violence in Gambella Region

Ethiopia: ARDUF Condemns the State Instigated Inter-ethnic Violence in Gambella Region

Like most of Ethiopians it is with deep shock and concern that we learned of the detestable killings and gross human rights violations in the recent weeks instigated by TPLF/EPRDF dictatorial regime between the two peace loving communities in the Gambella Region of Western Ethiopia, which is escalating day by day into killings on the basis of merely ethnic identity. ARDUF together with all peace-loving peoples of Ethiopia condemns the on-going crimes against humanity being committed by TPLF/EPRDF regime against Ethiopian civilians in the regions of Oromia, Ogaden, Amhara and the Afar and all four corners of the of the country. This instigation in Gambella region is nothing but only a miniature scenario and part of a scheme Woyane regime that is planning to foment hostility among all peoples of our country in order to horrify all Ethiopians into obedience once its hegemony is under threat.A man on his plot of land in Kir, a resettlement village in Gambella
ARDUF expresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims and their families and to the Peoples of Anuak and the Nuer who have lost their family members and calls on the community elders to find an immediate solution to the violence as the state which was supposed to stop intercommunal violence is the chief culprit itself. We unequivocally condemn in the strongest possible terms the horrifying crimes of killings, displacement and forcible removal from their ancestral land committed by TPLF regime on the Anuak and Nuer communities in the State of Gambella. TPLF/EPRDF regime is not only systematically instigating ethnic violence and conflicts between the Nuer and the Anuak people of Gambella but also among the peoples of Ethiopia as an instrument of divide-and-rule as well as to impose Tigray ethnic hegemonic control and discriminatory rule forcibly over the peoples of Ethiopia in general.
For the last twenty four years, TPLF/EPRDF regime has been repeatedly engaged and involved in implementing murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution, forcible transfer, sexual violence and of other inhumane acts against the innocent peoples of Ethiopian in the regions of Gambella, Oromia, Ogaden, Afar, Amhara and Sidama. Recently instigated inter-ethnic violence in the State of Gambella was a deliberately masterminded and implemented plan by TPLF/EPRDF regime to destroy in substantial part of the Anuak community which is seen as an obstacle in their anti-Ethiopia destruction on account of their ethnicity. Today, the Peoples of Ethiopia live in conditions of segregation, marginalization and desperation and face starvation and death situations, due to TPLF ruling system based on fear and with an iron fist and denial of basic fundamental rights to the peoples.
ARDUF Organization calls on international community to pressure on the regime to stop unlawful judicial killings and to send a fact finding independent international investigators to investigate the crimes committed by TPLF/EPRDF regime and those found responsible to be held fully accountable. The civil war in South Sudan that is not only demographically changing the region but also fuelling the spiral of violence and senseless loss of lives in this party of Western Ethiopia must find a durable solution. Till then the refugees from Southern Sudan must be accommodated in separated camps allocated to them to maintain the peace and security in the region of Gambella.
All of us must take this government instigated violence as in the Western corner of our country as a warning alarm for inter-ethnic turmoil that this regime can ignite in any party of our country. Therefore, ARDUF urges Ethiopian opposition groups and peace loving Ethiopian peoples to reject and denounce the politics of fear and rule by an iron fist of TPLF/EPRDF but also heed the lesson from such violence that can develop into war-of-all-against-all type of killings by identity and therefore intensify the armed struggle to hasten the down fall of the TPLF/EPRDF fascist regime and to establish on its ruins a genuine federal system based on the rule of law before it is too late.
Long live the Victory of ARDUF & Ethiopian Peoples
Military Command Centre (MCC) Information Desk of ARDUF Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

የአውሮፓ ህብረት ጠንካራ የተባለውን ውሳኔ በኢትዮጵያ ላይ አሳለፈ

የአውሮፓ ህብረት ጠንካራ የተባለውን ውሳኔ በኢትዮጵያ ላይ አሳለፈ

European Parliament

ጥር ፲፪ (አሥራ ሁለት) ቀን ፳፻፰ ዓ/ም ኢሳት ዜና :- 7ቱ ዋና ዋና የአውሮፓ ህብረት የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ኢትዮጵያን በተመለከተ የቀረበውን ውሳኔ ሙሉ በሙሉ አጽድቀዋል። አነስተኛ ቁጥር ያላቸው የቀኝ አክራሪዎች ብቻ ውሳኔውን ተቃውመውታል። ለህጉ መጽደቅ ከፍተኛ ትግል ሲያካሂዱ የሰነበቱት የህብረቱ የፓርላማ አባል ሚስ አና ጎሜዝ በውሳኔው መደሰታቸውን ተናግረዋል። “በጣም ጠቃሚ የሆነ ሰነድ ነው፣ በተለይ ዋና ዋና የሚባሉት የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች የውሳኔው ሰነድ ሳይለወጥ እንዲቀጥል ማድረጋቸው ትልቅ ነገር ነው” ሲሉ አክለዋል።
የተላለፈው ውሳኔ ምን ያክል ጠንካራ ነው የተባሉት አና ጎሜዝ፣ በኦሮሞ እና በሌሎችም ኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ የተፈጸመውን ግድያ ያወግዛል፣ እስክንድር ነጋን የመሰሉ ጋዜጠኞች፣ አቶ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌን ጨምሮ ሌሎች ፖለቲከኞችም እንዲፈቱ ይጠይቀዋል ብለዋል። ባለፉት 10 አመታት በኢትዮጵያ ላይ ከተላለፉት ውሳኔዎች ውስጥ የአሁኑ ጠንካራ መሆኑን የገለጹት ሚስ አና ጎሜዝ በተለይ ዋና ዋና የሚባሉት 7ቱ የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች እንዳለ መቀበላቸው ትልቅ ውጤት ነው ብለዋል። የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት የውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት የህብረቱ ባለስልጣናትንና አዲስ አበባ የሚገኙ የህብረቱን ተወካዮች ለማግባባት ቢሞክርም፣ የህብረቱ የፓርላማ አባላት ግን አንቀበልም በማለት ማጽደቃቸውን አክለዋል
ከዚህ በሁዋላ የአውሮፓ መንግስታት ፣ በ7ቱ ዋና ዋና የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች የተደገፈውን የፓርላማ አባላቱን ውሳኔ ሊያጣጥሉት አይተው እንዳላዩ ሊያልፉት አይችሉም” ያሉት አና ጎሜዝ ፣ ይህን ካደረጉ በራሳቸው የፖለቲካ ህይወት ላይ ተጽእኖ እንደሚያመጣባቸው አስረድተዋል
ህብረቱ በቅርቡ የመንግስት የጸጥታ ሃይሎች በኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ የፈጸሙትን ግድያና የሰብአዊ መብት ጥሰት በጽኑ አውግዟል። የ140 ሰዎች ግልጽ፣ ተአማኒ እና ገለልተኛ በሆነ አካል እንዲመረመር ጠይቋል። ጋዜጠኞችና የሰብአዊ መብት ድርጅቶች በነጻ እንዲንቀሳቀሱ ሁኔታዎች እንዲመቻቹም አሳስቧል።ለኢትዮጵያ የሚሰጠው እርዳታ የሰብአዊ መብት ጥሰቱን እንዳያባብሰው፣ ቁጥጥር ሊደረግ ይገባል ብሎአል።
በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት የሰብአዊ መብቶች ኤክስፐርቶች የጸጥታ ሃይሎች በንጹሃን ዜጎች ላይ የሚወስዱትን እርምጃ እንዲያቆም ጠይቀዋል። “የተገደለውና የታሰረው ህዝብ ቁጥር መንግስት ህዝቡን እንደ አጋር ሳይሆን እንደእንቅፋት እንደሚያየው” የሚያመለክተው ነው ያሉት ኤስፐርቶች፣ ምንም እንኳ መንግስት እቅዱን መተውን ቢናገርም ግድያው ፣ ማሰሩና ከልክ በላይ ሃይል መጠቀሙ አሁንም አሳስቦናል ብለዋል።
የታሰሩት በሙሉ በአስቸኳይ እንዲፈቱ እንዲሁም ድርጊቱን የፈጸሙት የጸጥታ ሃይሎች በገለልተኛ ወገን ተጣርቶ ለፍርድ እንዲቀርቡ ጠይቀዋል።